Sussex Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings
Sussex Planning & Zoning includes a five member Commission appointed by the Sussex County Council and which holds public hearings twice a month as posted on their website, along with agendas and minutes. Meetings are held in Council Chambers, Sussex County Administrative Office Building, 2 The Circle, Georgetown.
Comments and correspondence intended for the commission or its members are entered into the record (1) during Planning & Zoning public hearings; (2) as sent by mail to the Planning & Zoning Office, PO Box 417, Georgetown, DE 19947, or (3) as submitted electronically.
Review Planning and Zoning Rules and Procedures​
Missed a Meeting? Audio recordings for all past meetings appear with the agenda on their website
See Sussex 2030's tips for participating in meetings.
Listen to SPC VP Jill Hicks demystify Sussex County Government on our Podcast
Image Source: Wikimedia