What We Do

Rich Borasso and Joe Pika talking with attendees at University of Delaware Coast Day 2024
Jill Hicks, President of SPC, engaging the public at the Saturday Lewes Farmers Market

2/7/2023. Jill Hicks and Jeff Seemons, SPC members, speak before County Council on the woefully inadequate cluster subdivision codes and their flagrant disregard by developers. Councilmen Hudson and Rieley express their desire to see loopholes eliminated.
2/21/2023. Susan Anderheggen, SPC Ally of Tidewater Landing on Robinsonville Rd, speaks at County Council on tree removal violations.
8/10/2023. Judy Rose Seibert, of Lewes, speaks at Planning and Zoning on maintaining the option for telephone call-ins to meetings, to make it possible for more Sussex residents to have their voices heard during Hearings & the Public Comment portion of the meetings.
July 3, 2024
Preservation group to offer tips for citizens ahead of Northstar hearing