County Councilmen Matt Lloyd's Moratorium Proposal - Latest News
On January 14, 2025, newly elected County Councilmen Matt Lloyd boldly suggested a moratorium on subdivision building applications in agricultural zones The proposal has been challenged as being impractical and potentially economically damaging, but it has succeeded in opening a dialogue to address overdevelopment in Sussex County and its effect on natural resources and infrastructure services.
The proposal has drawn praise, criticism and concern. Several view points are published in the articles below:
Development Moratorium Pitched in Sussex, Cape Gazette, January 10, 2025
Lloyd Sets Tone for New Council, Cape Gazette, January 17, 2025
Building Moratorium Hits Heavy Opposition at Sussex Council, January 18, 2025
Jill Hicks presented SPC's position on the moratorium proposal at the County Council meeting January 14th:
SPC has repeatedly argued that growth in Sussex County has been irresponsible and excessive: out pacing infrastructure including but not limited to roadway capacity, school facilities, staffing needs of the education system, emergency services, the healthcare system, and even the capacity of the County’s P&Z staff. By continuing to allow this rapid pace of irresponsible growth , County Council has made it impossible for these services to perform at their best. You’ve set them up for frustration and possible failure with no end in sight. This is an inefficient, unproductive, and costly way to manage the County. This past
election was an indictment of that record.
SPC’s position has been made clear with its recent engagement with the Perimeter Buffer Ordinance and Amendments to 99-9C and Open Space. In each case, particularly the last two, the amendments adopted by Council did
not go far enough to bring clarity or specificity to the changes needed. And the building industry agreed with us. Furthermore, the damage caused by the clearcutting of forests, the loss of wetlands, the pollution of inland bays and waterways allowed by the County’s insufficient and vague codes will be this generation’s legacy, injurious conditions left to the next generation. This is
unacceptable. Everyone is frustrated because to date Council has not addressed these issues in a way that results in real change. Public consensus, across the county, is that County Council has not had the political will to take the depth of action needed.
A moratorium should be exercised as a last resort and SPC agrees the County has reached a crisis. We have witnessed thedestru ction long enough. The quality of life among the citizenry of the County has been rapidly degrading. Your constituents are seeing it, feeling it, and living with it without an end in sight.
Therefore, Sussex Preservation Coalition asks County Council for three things:
1. A commitment: that within thirty days, County Council will make a solid commitment to work diligently to end the crisis we have outlined.
2. A Plan: In 3 months County Council will develop a plan for engaging stakeholders, including but not limited to County officials, State agencies, the public, and the development community. The Plan will outline the specific
steps and timelines to review the current land use codes and to gain consensus on needed amendments and implementation.
3. Progress: that significant progress is made within 6months.
If progress is not met according to these milestone markers, thena call for a moratorium with results and time bound mandates will be pursued by the Sussex Preservation Coalition. It is time. The voting public spoke loud and clear. Let’s get to work.​