Sussex County Council Meetings
Sussex County Council meets most Tuesdays at 10 a.m. Agendas for meetings are posted 7 days prior. You can attend meetings in person at Council Chambers in the Sussex County Administrative Office Building, 2 The Circle, Georgetown.
Meetings are also live-streamed (30-second delay), and you may join by audio to make comments. Details on the technology are included at the bottom of each agenda. Full info: County Council Agendas and Minutes.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find my council district and council member?
To find your district, go to the Sussex County Government web page:
sussexcountyde.gov/county-council .
Click on the County Council page and then on the District Map tab and type in your address.
To find your council member, go to the Sussex County Government web page: sussexcountyde.gov/county-council . Click on the County Council page where the members are listed by District.
Are council meetings open to the public?
Yes. We strongly encourage citizens to attend and learn about council business. For an agenda of each meeting go to: sussexcountyde.gov/county council
There is a public comment period at the beginning or each council meeting when anyone can speak for 3 minutes on any topic pertinent to the council’s work. We encourage everyone to use the public comment period to address your concerns.
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Missed a Meeting? Audio recordings for all past meetings appear with the agenda on the council website​
Review County Council Rules and Procedures
See Sussex 2030's tips for participating in meetings.
Listen to SPC Podcast Episode 4 - VP Jill Hicks Sussex County Government 101
Image Source: Wikimedia