What We Do
Jill Hicks, President of SPC, engaging the public at the Saturday Lewes Farmers Market
2/7/2023. Jill Hicks and Jeff Seemons, SPC members, speak before County Council on the woefully inadequate cluster subdivision codes and their flagrant disregard by developers. Councilmen Hudson and Rieley express their desire to see loopholes eliminated.
2/21/2023. Susan Anderheggen, SPC Ally of Tidewater Landing on Robinsonville Rd, speaks at County Council on tree removal violations.
8/10/2023. Judy Rose Seibert, of Lewes, speaks at Planning and Zoning on maintaining the option for telephone call-ins to meetings, to make it possible for more Sussex residents to have their voices heard during Hearings & the Public Comment portion of the meetings.
Livable Communities
A newly adopted Agenda for Livable Communities identifies the qualities, policies and practices needed to create thriving communities that preserve the natural world while creating safe, respectful and healthy living conditions for all residents
Preserve and Protect Our Land
Increase State of Delaware Open Public Space Funding.
Increase County Public Open Space Funding .
Create the necessary ordinance to protect established, mature, healthy trees during construction of new developments to better preserve existing trees and open spaces.
Preserve and Protect our Water
Improve buffer ordinance by mandating wider buffers and eliminating options for buffer reduction.
Protect wellhead and groundwater recharge areas by advocating for and enacting ordinances that ensure water quality of wellheads and excellent groundwater recharge and preventing pollutants from entering groundwater. Enact enforceable measures and standards.
Develop Comprehensive Plan Strategy by “formulating strategies for better protecting groundwater, waterways, sensitive habitat areas and other critical natural lands in Sussex County"
Implement Comprehensive Plan Strategy to Protect long-term water supply by encouraging land conservation in groundwater recharge areas.